Analysis of the wear of the non-printing elements in offset printing depending on the operating and technological conditions
JFSA vol. 29


average surface roughness
maximum profile depth
SEM - scanner electron microscope


Abstract. The purpose of this research is to determine the wear of a printing form in the printing process. Analysis of the wear of the non-printing areas of the offset press depending on the operation is an important factor in the process, especially when printing large circulation series (newspapers, magazines and packaging). Most of the conducted research is in the field of researching the layer, the carrier of the printed elements. This study changes the surface of the non-printing areas, which also have a significant impact on image definition and print quality. To realize the set task of analyzing the non-printed elements, a profilometry method is used in combination with micrographs through a scanning electron microscope SEM for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the changing characteristics.